Since 2018

ASPIRE envisions to create an inclusive and enabling resource platform for budding entrepreneurs in diverse science and technology fields. Its mission statement is to enhance and deepen the incubation activities and knowledge enterprise initiatives at UoH and thereby create a vibrant entrepreneurial eco-system on the campus. Currently, there are 3 incubation centres (ICs) functioning under ASPIRE, i.e., ASPIRE-BioNEST, ASPIRE-TBI, and ASPIRE TIDE, providing incubation support in the areas of Life Sciences, Pharma & chemistry as well as materials and IT & Electronics, respectively. TBI was established with the support of DST, TIDE supported by DietY and the BioNEST was established with support from BIRAC/DBT. These ICs are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and necessary instrumentation.
The ICs are spread over 50000 sqft, with excellent infrastructure and plug-and-play state-of-the-art lab suites. Put together the three ICs shall cover almost all the major areas of research and provide ample opportunities for the budding entrepreneurs emerging from the campus as well as from surrounding region. Since the beginning, the ICs together have supported more than 80 start-ups and helped them to translate their ideas into technologies. At least 5 of the graduated companies have entered the market space and generated more than 5 cr revenues each. The ICs created nearly 300 jobs, supported the filing of 20+ patents and enabled the development of >15 products, while a few more are in the pipeline. In its recent foundation day celebrations on 12th March 2022, 2 new products developed by M/s 30 M Genomics (Rapid, portable and inexpensive PCR) and M/s Grus & Grade (Upajguru, a Block chain based platform for farmers) were launched by Dr. Krishna Ella CMD, Bharath Biotech and Dr. S. Chandrasekhar Hon. Secretary, DST, Govt. of India, respectively. One investment was formalized into a start-up M/s UR Advanced Therapeutics by the promoters of GVK Bio and agreements were exchanged on the same day. Two technologies developed by a start-up M/s Reagene Innovations on Covid19 diagnostics were transferred to an US based pharma company M/s Lay Science Inc. for scale-up and marketing. One technology on Biotherapeutics and one technology on Pharma intermediate enzymes developed by M/s Bycus Therapeutics was transferred to another Biotech company M/s GeneSys Biologics for scaling up and marketing. The excellent all round growth of ASPIRE-BioNEST has enabled it to bag the “Best Emerging Bioincubator in the country” honour for the year 2021.
In order to increase the participation of students, researchers, and faculty in the innovation and entrepreneurship activities, ASPIRE started pre incubation program through a concept competition exclusively for UoH community. Pre incubation program not only creates awareness among the fraternity about entrepreneurship but also enables the students and researchers to have the first-hand experience. Under this program, the selected candidates shall be provided incubation space along with limited consumables & chemicals free of cost to implement their idea. The executing team also gets technical and business mentoring support from experienced mentors, besides free access to all the common instrumentation facilities at the ICs. They also get benefited from all the training programs and conferences which are being conducted periodically. Upon completion of the tenure, the successful ideas will be nurtured further to participate in the funding challenges organized by different government bodies and private venture capitalists for taking it to the next level.
Expanding on this concept, ASPIRE now proposes to train the youth of socially disadvantaged groups in entrepreneurial capabilities.

ASPIRE-BioNEST was inaugurated on National Science Day, 28th February 2018 by distinguished Biotechnologist Prof. G. Padmanaban of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – who applauded it “By Far, The Best Bio-incubator”. The vision of ASPIRE-BioNEST is to create a world-class entrepreneurial ecosystem at the University of Hyderabad to become the only destination for technology-based start-ups in Life sciences. Currently, ASPIRE-BioNEST is known for its great infrastructure, including the state-of-the-art instrumentation for complete upstream and downstream processing of Biotechnology products. ASPIRE-BioNEST nurtures innovation and entrepreneurship in scaling technologies of Agriculture, Biotechnology, Healthcare, Pharmaceutical, and allied areas. ASPIRE-BioNEST is a deep science incubator with a plug-and-play laboratory space equipped with modern instrumentation to perform any research in Life sciences. To support our start-ups working on COVID-19, and also keeping the emergency situation in mind, ASPIRE BioNEST has created a new BSL2 facility.


The establishment and nurturing of technology-based enterprises in academic and research organizations are often attractive to policy makers because of their higher potential in creating dynamic market economies and jobs. As there is rapid development in scientific findings and new technologies in the R&D organizations, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, took the initiative of providing incubation facilities for new entrepreneurs to transfer their new innovative technologies having high impact to the market. Such initiatives are now known by the common name of Technology Business Incubator (TBI), some of which are focused on developing innovative technologies, technology transfer and commercialization of technology.
The technology business incubator at University of Hyderabad was sanctioned in the year 2006 by National Science & Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) of the Department of Science & Technology (DST). TBI at UoH is a joint program by university of Hyderabad and Department of Science and technology (DST) and TBI@UoH registered as a society on March 10th 2008.


Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs (TIDE) centre at UoH was initiated in the year 2012 under invitation from Ministry of Electronics and Information technology (MEITy) (then DEITy) , Ministry of Information Technology, Govt of India and University of Hyderabad. ASPIRE-TIDE aims to encourage the research and scientific community at UoH and elsewhere to initiate or mentor technology start-up companies for commercial exploitation of technologies.
The objective of TIDE at UoH is to promote and accelerate development of entrepreneurial Technology Based Small Enterprises (TBSEs) in areas related to Electronics, Information Technology and Communication Technology through an array of business support resources, domain expertise, prototyping facilities and other infra-structure available in the University.