Association for Scientific Pursuits for Innovative Research Enterprises
(UoH owned, Section-8, Not-for-Profit Company that nurtures innovations)

Supported by BIRAC/DBT

Supported of DST

Supported by MEITy

Life Sciences
34 Incubating Start-ups and 16 Graduated

Pharma & chemistry
12 Incubating Start-ups and 5 Graduated

IT & Electronics
10 Incubating Start-ups and 5 Graduated
About Us
ASPIRE envisions to create an inclusive and enabling resource platform for budding entrepreneurs in diverse science and technology fields. Its mission statement is to enhance and deepen the incubation activities and knowledge enterprise initiatives at UoH and thereby create a vibrant entrepreneurial eco-system on the campus. Currently, there are 3 incubation centres (ICs) functioning under ASPIRE, i.e., ASPIRE-BioNEST, ASPIRE-TBI, and ASPIRE TIDE, providing incubation support in the areas of Life Sciences, Pharma & chemistry as well as materials and IT & Electronics, respectively. TBI was established with the support of DST, TIDE supported by DietY and the BioNEST was established with support from BIRAC/DBT. These ICs are equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure and necessary instrumentation. The ICs are spread over 50000 sqft, with excellent infrastructure and plug-and-play state-of-the-art lab suites. Since the beginning, the ICs together have supported more than 80 start-ups and helped them to translate their ideas into technologies.


To be a beacon in incubation and entrepreneurial platforms amongst Universities across the nation

To create a sustainable, state-of-the-art ecosystems for knowledge based enterprises and enhancing the incubation activities at University of Hyderabad